Dr. R. Jay Waggoner
Dr. Waggoner has pastored churches for over forty years. He is a Graduate of Marietta College (BA), Temple Baptist Theological Seminary (MRE, M DIV), and Trinity Theological Seminary (D Min). After seminary, he became the pastor of Spencer Baptist Temple in Spencer, WV where he served faithfully for nine years. More recently, he served Fellowship Baptist Church, in Willow Springs, NC, for thirty fruitful years. His speaking ministry reached an average of 31 countries, and 33 states with average downloads of approximately 400 per week on alone.
The Believer’s Battle With Temptation
The temptation to sin is inevitable. But does that mean we can’t have victory over it?
Forgiving And Being Forgiven
Forgiving & Being Forgiven concisely presents what the Bible teaches about a crucial matter in every relationship—the need to forgive one another.
Lord, Teach Us to Pray: Lessons From the Master Teacher
Why is it God does not answer some prayers? How often should we pray? What should we pray about?
How To Share Your Faith Without Fear
Are you intimidated by the idea of sharing your faith? If so, you are not alone. According to recent research, approximately sixty percent of Christians seldom or never share their faith with others.