How To Share Your Faith Without Fear
Are you intimidated by the idea of sharing your faith? If so, you are not alone. According to recent research, approximately sixty percent of Christians seldom or never share their faith with others. Is it normal to feel apprehension about sharing your faith? Is your fear due to some spiritual failing? Is it possible to overcome your fear? This book is for you if you have ever wrestled with questions like these. The good news is that the right strategy can eliminate the fear of sharing your faith. Before presenting that strategy to the reader, the author discusses fear in general, deals with several misconceptions about evangelism, and places evangelism into the broader context of making disciples. What follows is the key to sharing your faith without fear. A thoroughly biblical step-by-step strategy for making disciples without being inhibited by fear is explained and thoroughly illustrated for the reader. If you struggle with fear when it comes to sharing your faith, you have to consider the message of this book.